The other day, Anthony DiComo of posed ten questions regarding the upcoming season. Here are
his answers to those questions. Below are my answers to some (not all) of those questions.
1. Are the Mets truly in rebuilding mode?
Well, you have to start somewhere. The current Mets roster may not be the prettiest one out there, but who cares? The model the Mets have been using the past few years is clearly not working, and a change needs to be made. That change may mean a team without a superstar, or an offseason without any major moves. I've read the statements that this is New York, not Kansas City. Stop it. If this is what needs to be done in order to get back to a winning franchise, then so be it.
My theory is, if the team hasn't won with a certain player, the argument to keep the player should not be that they will lead the team to the promised land. If they haven't already done it, why would signing (or re-signing) them to a big contract help? Let's remember that one player does not win a championship. Do I think the Mets are going to win it all in 2012? No, but that doesn't mean that I have absolutely no faith in them. A majority of fans have already placed them in last place in the NL East before a single inning has even been played in 2012. Relax, people.
2. How will the Bernard Madoff situation affect the Mets?
I don't think anyone knows that answer to this question yet. If I had to venture a guess, I would say it probably won't be good. How this all works out will determine the Wilpons future as team owners.
3. Will Johan Santana be an effective pitcher again?
I would like to think so. Do I see him as his former self? No. That doesn't mean, however, that he can't be effective. Guess we'll find out in February.
4. Could the Mets really trade away Wright?
Nobody's safe. The Mets have repeatedly said that they are not planning on trading Wright t his winter. Personally, I think this is more of a PR decision than anything else. There would be rioting at Citi Field if the Mets got rid of Jose Reyes and Wright in the same offseason. That said, I could see the team trading Wright down the road. Assuming he gets off to a good start, I could easily see the Mets getting rid of him mid-season.
5. Can Ruben Tejada effectively replace Reyes?
No one should compare Tejada to Reyes. It's not fair to Tejada. Reyes had personality, was flashy, and obviously, a was superstar shortstop. Tejada doesn't show much personality, isn't intentionally flashy, and isn't a superstar. He will get the job done though defensively. Will I be terribly upset if he doesn't produce much at the plate? No. I lived through the Rey Ordonez years.
6. Will the new fences make a difference?
I don't know. I'm not a psychic. Only if the players who are supposed to be benefiting from the move actually make solid contact with the ball. Fans have been griping since the stadium opened about the outfield walls. Well, you got your wish. They've been moved in. Don't complain when opposing teams also benefit from it.
7. Can Daniel Murphy play adequately at second base.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Daniel Murphy terrifies me out in the field. The Mets obviously want to find a spot for Murphy in order to get his bat in the lineup. Of all the positions they have thrown him into over the years, I guess his playing second was the least painful to watch.
So there you have it. Those are my answers. Why didn't I answer all ten of DiComo's questions? I didn't feel like it. These are enough predictions for one day.